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Solutions for School Music Rental Programs

Effortlessly manage every aspect of your music instrument store's school instrument rental program through Music Shop 360, the comprehensive platform specially designed for music instrument stores like yours.


See How School Music Rentals Work with Music Shop 360

Learn about our school instrument rental software from General Manager, Taylor.



Rental Features

Music Shop 360's built-in school instrument rental program is easy for you, easy for the school, and easy for students. Check out some of our best features:

Easy Online Rentals
Schools and Districts
Rental Contracts and Auto-Pay
User-Friendly Customer Portal

Our customer portal makes it simple for students to rent instruments. There's no need to carry binders or boxes of paper to rental night. Our cloud-based, modern system means you can take a single laptop or tablet, and get schools signed up online easily.  During the online rental process, you can also set required and optional add-ons to make it easy for students to order everything they will need to be successful. 

Easy Online Rentals
Customized Programs by School or District

Each school or district can customize their program to meet their needs. On your website students can easily select their district, then school, for a tailored experience.

Schools and Districts
Auto-Pay Option for Rentals

The auto-pay feature means your rental program will provide a reliable, steady stream of income without chasing payments. No more calls or letters to track down late payments.

Rental Contracts and Auto-Pay

Don't just take our word for it

Hear from real store owners how Music Shop 360 has improved their rental programs and overall store operations!

Schedule a demo today.


1800 S Novell Pl, 4th Floor, Provo, Utah 84606


(385) 279-4567


(385) 474-1116