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Partnering with Music Shop 360

Music Shop 360, the largest cloud-based POS system built specifically for the Music Store industry, provides an opportunity for manufacturers and vendors to maximize their order and fulfillment potential with retail distributors.


The number one rated - Music Shop POS


Partnering with Music Shop 360

Music Shop 360, the largest cloud based POS system built specifically for the Music Store industry provides an opportunity for manufacturers and vendors to maximize their order and fulfillment potential with retail distributors. We do this in a number of ways:

What’s in it for me?

Retailer’s Inventory
  • It’s free! Once approved, we will send you all the required documentation
    for your team to begin and finish the integration process. No significant
    implementation planning process and no monthly maintenance fees.
  • If your retailers have an easy time ordering from you, they are
    more likely to order more frequently.
  • Because they can immediately sell products with the right descriptions
    and the right imaging across multiple sales channels, retailers are more
    likely to achieve product sell-through, which means more reordering
    from you.
  • With the supplied data, your IT team can build tools that will allow
    your sales teams to remotely tap into a retailer’s inventory to see what
    needs to be ordered before they ask for the sale.
Join the growing chorus of vendors who are already
benefiting from integrating with Music Shop 360!